elderly married couple walking on beach with bicycles and smiling
elderly married couple walking on beach with bicycles and smiling

Compare Medicare Advantage plans online!

If you’re turning 65 or have a qualifying life event, enter your zip code to view plans in your area. Personalize your results by adding your preferred doctors and essential prescriptions.

Types of Medicare Advantage plans

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Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) plans

Medicare Advantage Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) plans provide networks of doctors, hospitals, and other healthcare professionals that policyholders are required to use.

Exceptions to this rule include emergency care, out-of-area urgent care, and temporary out-of-area dialysis.

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Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plans

Medicare Advantage Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plans provide networks of doctors, hospitals, and other healthcare professionals and facilities. Policyholders are not required to use in-network providers, but while out-of-network providers are covered, they generally come at a higher cost.

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Special Needs (SNPs) plans

Medicare Advantage Special Needs Plans (SNPs) cover the same Medicare Parts A & B benefits that all Medicare Advantage plans cover. They may also cover extra services for the special groups they serve, such as care coordination services, tailored benefits and provider choices, and specific prescription drugs. SNPs may be structured either as an HMO plan or a PPO plan, and are only available to those with specific conditions, certain healthcare needs, or combined Medicare and Medicaid eligibility.

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Compare Medicare Part C plans

CoverageHMO PlansPPO PlansSNPs
Charges monthly premiumYesYesYes
Covers prescription drugsSometimesSometimesYes
Allows out-of-network coverageSometimesYesSometimes
Requires primary care physicianSometimesNoSometimes
Requires referrals for specialist careYesNoSometimes

*Available on some Medicare Advantage plans

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Find a Medicare Advantage plan today

Find a Medicare Advantage plan online

Use our Medicare plan finder tool to compare plans in your location—and enroll online during a qualifying enrollment period.

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Our licensed agents are available Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm MT.

Frequently asked questions about Medicare Advantage

How do I enroll in Medicare Advantage?

To enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan, you must be eligible for Medicare coverage. Medicare is generally available to anyone in the United States over the age of 65; some conditions may qualify you for Medicare coverage before reaching that age:

  • Some disabilities
  • End-stage renal disease (permanent kidney failure requiring dialysis or transplant)
  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease)

To enroll in Medicare Advantage (Part C) coverage, use our Medicare plan comparison tool to find the plan(s) that work best for you and enroll online or over the phone during a qualifying enrollment period:

  • Annual Enrollment Period - October 15-December 7 each year, available to anyone Medicare-eligible
  • Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period - January 1-March 31 each year, available to anyone already enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan
  • General Enrollment Period - January 1-March 31, available for those who missed their Initial Enrollment Period window to enroll in Medicare Parts A & B
  • Special Enrollment Periods - may occur throughout the year, triggered by qualifying events

When do I enroll in Medicare Advantage?

You can enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan during a qualified Medicare Enrollment Period. Here are a few of the most common times of year to enroll in, or change, your Medicare Part C coverage:

Who is eligible for Medicare Advantage?

Medicare Advantage plans are available to anyone eligible for Original Medicare (Medicare Parts A & B, coverage provided by the federal government). Medicare is available to those who qualify by age or by special qualifying conditions.

  • Age: If you are a citizen of the United States who has been living in the U.S. for the previous 5 years and are 65 years of age (or approaching your 65th birthday) you are eligible to sign up for Medicare.
  • Qualifying Conditions: You may qualify for early benefits if
    • you are disabled and have received Social Security benefits for at least 24 consecutive months;
    • you suffer from kidney failure, also known as End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD), and have had a kidney transplant or been on dialysis for 3 months; or
    • you have amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease).

How do I choose a Medicare Advantage plan?

Medicare Advantage plans all provide comprehensive coverage of the same benefits you get from Original Medicare (Parts A & B), which means any Medicare Advantage plan you choose will provide hospital coverage, hospice coverage, medical insurance, and preventative care. Medicare Advantage plans also offer additional benefits that vary by plan and may include vision coverage, dental coverage, health and wellness programs, and gym memberships. 

Use our online tool or speak to an agent to compare plans available in your area. Choose the plan that offers the additional benefits that most fit your needs, at the right budget for you, during an appropriate enrollment period.

Medicare resources

cute elderly couple
General Enrollment and Open Enrollment Periods

Learn about the two Medicare enrollment periods that run from January through March.

elederly couple sit with grandkids on couch and smile
Medicare Annual Enrollment Period 101

When is the Medicare Annual Enrollment Period? Get answers to this and other AEP-related questions.

an elderly couple rides bicycles on the beach
Medicare Enrollment Overview

Get fast facts about Medicare Enrollment, including when you qualify and when to enroll.
